1.First step to make neck node dissection easy is to study the LN levels - use the below attached image or try to mark the LN on oneself
2. Let's divide into 2 classification s
a)Therapeutic - when LN clinically palpable or detected radiologically
Prophylactic neck dissection - dissection done even when LN not palpable or detected in radiology
Eg.medullary carcinoma thyroid
b)Radical- level 1 to 5 +
Spinal accessory N , IJV ,Sternocleidomastoid
(S I Ster) +
+ submandibular gland & tail of parotid gland
CRILES method CRYles (patient crys due to functions lost) shoulder joint dysfunction was maximum in these patient hence surgeon came with idea of preserving Spinal accessory nerve( trapezius) if the nerve was not directly involved..hence modified radical neck dissection
Now a days radical neck dissection is rarely performed
modified radical neck dissection
mrnd 1 - 1 structure preseved .Spinal accessory nerve(S)
mrnd 2 - 2 structure preserved.spinal accessory nerve +IJV(S I) - reduce shoulder dysfunction and facial edema
mrnd 3 - 3 structure preseved. Spinal accessory nerve, IJV,Sternocleidomastoid (S I Ster)
Aka functional neck dissection/Bocca as maximum function is preserved
selective neck dissection ( not all LN removed like in radical or mrnd where lvl 1 to 5 is removed) only selected LN removed
supraomohyoid LN 1,2,3( LN above sup.belly of omohyoid)
extended supra omohyoid LN 1,2,3 4
lateral LN 2,3,4
posterolateral LN 2,3,4,5( lateral + posterior traingle LN)
central LN 6
commando operation- combined mandibular resection + neck dissection
Hope this helps!!
Happy learning 😃
by - Dr Aparna
*Forum Categories will be added upon request. Contact us.