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9 Posts
3 Users
Drtellsyou Education Team
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Posted : 27/12/2021 5:12 am
Drtellsyou Education Team
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Posted : 27/12/2021 2:47 pm
Drtellsyou Education Team

Find the enzymes & disease associated

Posted : 08/01/2022 12:24 pm
Eminent Member

A - pseudogout ?

  1. Calcium dihydro pyrophosphate crystals
  2. B - Adenosine deaminase deficiency leading to SCID , candidal diaper rash ? , Pneumocystis pneumonia
  3. D - Xanthinuria
  4. E - tumor lysis syndrome
  5. F - lesch nyhan - self mutilation













Posted : 08/01/2022 12:39 pm
Drtellsyou Education Team
  • @ganesh-kumar Awesome 👌..A has negative birefringence crystals whereas psuedogout has positive birefringence crystals of cppd.. Try 1 again👍
Posted : 08/01/2022 12:49 pm
Eminent Member


Then A must also be gout , another cause of gout

Posted : 08/01/2022 1:35 pm
Eminent Member

E - hyperuricemia , hyperkalemic - tall tented t waves , hypokalemia leading to muscle twitches , uric acid crystals in urine , dystrophic calcification leading to hypocalcemia ?

B - AR - both b and t cells affected , treatment bone marrow stem cell transplantation .


F - lesch nyhan - XR


Posted : 08/01/2022 1:41 pm
Drtellsyou Education Team

@ganesh-kumar Perfect! 💯

Posted : 08/01/2022 1:57 pm
Drtellsyou Education Team

Purine pathway

Posted : 08/01/2022 2:10 pm
Deepthi and Ganesh Kumar reacted

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