Rules and regulatio...
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[Sticky] Rules and regulation

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 0
Joined: 55 years ago

drtellsyou is a community of individuals of all ages who are here to learn new information, to help each other, and to help their fellow peers. With that in mind, we ask that all members please follow these simple rules in order to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable.

The rules are as follows:

  • All the forums are categorized by topics.  Please post your questions or messages in the appropriate forum.
  • If a topic is posted in a forum that is not appropriate for the question, the staff has the right to move that topic to another better suited forum.
  • The posting of any copyrighted material on our web site is strictly prohibited.
  • Posting links in order to generate affiliate commissions is not permitted. Any posts that are deemed to be posted in order to generate affiliate commissions, regardless of the product being promoted, will be deleted. If a user continues to create affiliate SPAM posts, they will be banned.
  • There will be no use of profanity on this forum. This will not be tolerated and can lead to immediate suspension.
  • There will be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations.  This will not be tolerated and can lead to immediate suspension.
  • There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory. This includes flaming or instigating arguments.
  • Spamming is not permitted; please keep all your posts as constructive as possible.
  • Piracy, explicit content, or any other illegal transactions may NOT be linked in any shape or form.
  • This forum has the right to request alteration or deletion of any offensive post. If this is not done in a prompt manner, the Staff will delete the material themselves.
  • Posts may be deleted for any reasons the forum administrators deem reasonable.
  • Pictures may be posted as long as they are not explicit, offensive, or copyrighted.
  • Avatars must be in good taste. This means no vulgar or violent images, pornography, or profanity. Avatars that are found to be inappropriate will be removed at the discretion of the staff.
  • Linking to hate, anti-Semitic, racist, pornography, warez, or other illegal sites is not permitted.
  • Members may have only one account on this forum. There is no need to have more than one.

Violation of any of these rules can lead to a banning of the user from our Web Site and a deletion of their account. The consequences will be determined by the Staff on a case by case basis.

When posting you agree that the administrators and the moderators of this forum have the right to modify, delete, edit or close any topic, signature, account, or profile data at any time that they see fit. If you have any questions concerning this, please do not start a new thread, but rather private message to an administrator or moderator.

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